Available in all states except California, Hawaii, Alaska and Puerto Rico.
This is 24 volts. It is faster and more powerfull than most of the other ride on toys that may look similar. This one has all the upgrades. It has the look and feel of a real adult version of this vehicle. Your child will love it. But, you may love it even more due to the cool features. Specifically the parental control. It gives you the ability to drive the car for the child. It also gives you the authority to take control of the vehicle even when the child is manually driving it themselves. Yes, you are able to override them.
Kids ride on vehicle with parental remote control.
Regular Price : $725 Sale price: $575. Great Deal.
Features: 24 volt Power Truck with big EVA rubber wheels
Colors: WHITE
Cool Sound System
Working Headlamp Lights
Cushion Single Seat
Durrable EVA Rubber Tires.
Parental Remote Control
Kids Footpedal
Progressive Accelleration
Safety Seatbelt
Doors open.
24V battery
24volt easy plug in charger
3 speeds
JC666-24 JP
Battery Power 24v Kids Ride On Car Big EVA Rubber Wheels White Truck
This item has been upgraded to include parts that assist in prolonging the life of the item. The remote reciever which is the brain of the car that keeps it running has been upgraded to minimize the potential of condensation caused by the rapid change in weather conditions. We have discovered that this is imperative to the working health of this type of vehicle. We will always recommend that you do not leave a ride on toy out in the rain or snow in order to minimize moisture from contacting electrical components and wiring. Do not attempt to wash a car with a hose. Cleaning is best accomplished using dry or damp soft cloth type material. Most cars are made of a plastic material and some are actually painted. It is strongly suggested that when you clean your car, your cloth should be dirt and dust free.